About Kubed Solutions

Experience and Honesty go hand in hand

Our Story

After decades of industry experience, we started Kubed with the goal to make real, lasting changes in IT. We witnessed far too many IT companies focus on their pocketbooks rather than the customer’s well-being and continued success. Time and again, we see companies use too many piecemeal solutions, band-aids, and house of cards setups to resolve a user’s problems as quickly as possible, knowing full well that the issue would arise again. This type of IT service is unacceptable, and we resolved to do something about it. 

The time was upon us to “put up or shut up” as it were; To create something that truly supported companies rather than just fix things when they broke. 

On June 1st, 2016, Kubed was born and our first dozen clients were those that we had supported previously -- while working for other IT companies -- who appreciated our honesty and hard work. Six years later many of our clients still come as referrals or word of mouth. People love what we do!

Kubed Solutions believes in data-driven solutions to help businesses succeed. Through our extensive consultative and customized approach, we’re able to custom tailor support packages and IT infrastructure to meet the needs of Alberta’s growing businesses. We don’t believe in the “cookie cutter” approach to IT. Our methodology, innovations, and solutions set us apart.

After decades of industry experience, we started Kubed with the goal to make real, lasting changes in IT. We witnessed far too many IT companies focus on their pocketbooks rather than the customer’s well-being and continued success. Time and again, we see companies use too many piecemeal solutions, band-aids, and house of cards setups to resolve a user’s problems as quickly as possible, knowing full well that the issue would arise again. This type of IT service is unacceptable, and we resolved to do something about it. 

 The time was upon us to “put up or shut up” as it were; To create something that truly supported companies rather than just fix things when they broke. 

On June 1st, 2016, Kubed was born and our first dozen clients were those that we had supported previously -- while working for other IT companies -- who appreciated our honesty and hard work. Five years later many of our clients still come as referrals or word of mouth. People love what we do!

 Kubed Solutions believes in data-driven solutions to help businesses succeed. Through our extensive consultative and customized approach, we’re able to custom tailor support packages and IT infrastructure to meet the needs of Alberta’s growing businesses. We don’t believe in the “cookie cutter” approach to IT. Our methodology, innovations, and solutions set us apart.

Our Core Values

The values that drive our business

Passion is at the heart of our company. We’re continuously learning, re-educating, innovating, and improving our skills. We love what we do.

We believe in treating our customers ethically and fairly. Our assessments and recommendations will always be in the best interest of your business, and we’ll stand behind any recommendation 100%. We want your business to succeed and grow.

Building open and honest relationships with our clients is just as important as the technical aspects of our service. We want our customers to call us when a problem – big or small – arises rather than wait until it unduly impacts the company.

We take responsibility for our work and are committed to providing the highest quality of service each-and-every time you call.

We work with our customers to craft an IT solution that’s uniquely tailored for their business instead of the “one technology stack fits all” principal.


Our Trusted Partners

Huntress Labs

Let Us Help!

From day-to-day maintenance to the most pressing challenges, Kubed Solutions is here to help. Contact us today!
